About Us
Chinese consumers and businesses are buying and selling on the Internet, and gaining fantastic online visibility inside China is the key to maximizing investments. Xinwengao works with a network of influential news and media websites in China to push your corporate message in front of important decision makers. Create a content marketing message, write a great press release, or submit your company’s next promotion, and Xinwengao both distributes your message and and then monitors the impact.
Xinwengao.com is a service of Asia Media Network, and we are headquartered in Hong Kong with operations in Dalian, Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen. We also have media outreach in all of Chinese provinces and leading cities.
Xinwengao aids you in connecting with journalists, investors, readers, and consumers around the world. We provide the leading platform for Chinese-language and English-language press release distribution throughout China.
We help companies in crafting solid messages that will incorporate their company standards and ideals into press releases sent to journalists focused on the China market. We provide both English and Chinese language services and we syndicate our feeds to sites and journalists around the world using RSS and email.
Contact us for more information via our contact page and learn how we can help you in the Middle Kingdom with press release distribution services.