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OPEC Fund发展论坛筹资应对全球挑战

维也纳2022年6月27日 /新闻稿网 - — 本周出席维也纳OPEC Fund发展论坛的发展合作伙伴表示,他们决心通过达成新的财政支持承诺和签署合作协议来应对紧迫的全球挑战。

OPEC Fund and the Republic of Kosovo signed the
OPEC Fund and the Republic of Kosovo signed the “Framework Agreement for Private Sector Operations.” Pictured from left to right: Tareq Alnassar, Assistant Director-General, Private Sector & Trade Finance Operations; Hekuran Murati, Minister of Finance, Labor and Transfers of the Republic of Kosovo; Dr. Abdulhamid Alkhalifa, OPEC Fund Director-General; Violet Onyemenam, General Counsel OPEC Fund.


OPEC Fund总干事 Alkhalifa表示:“这些新的承诺和签署表明了我们在面临前所未有的挑战时携手合作的意愿。我们活动的一个明显结果是,需要在气候变化、能源获取和粮食供应等领域紧急采取有针对性的联合行动。我们对论坛所带来的成功和积极势头感到非常鼓舞,这为快速而有力地向前迈进提供了动力。”

OPEC Fund发展论坛“推动应变能力和公平”汇聚了政府领导人、OPEC Fund成员和合作伙伴国家的部长、Arab Coordination Group机构负责人、多边开发银行和国际组织的高级官员以及私营部门代表。活动包括以“气候挑战与能源需求 — 发展观”、“实现智能能源未来的创新”和“将公共雄心转化为有效行动”为主题的小组讨论,并结束了以“发展进程中的南南共同所有权”为主题的对话。

“2023年OPEC Fund发展论坛”的日期将很快公布。

The Asian Development Bank and the OPEC Fund launched a trust fund to improve project readiness in developing countries. Pictured from left to right: Ahmed M. Saeed, ADB Vice-President for the East Asia Department, the Southeast Asia Department, and the Pacific Department; Eugene Zhukov ADB Director General for Central and West Asia; Dr. Abdulhamid Alkhalifa, OPEC Fund Director-General; Violet Onyemenam, General Counsel OPEC Fund.


The OPEC Fund and the regional South American development bank FONPLATA. Pictured from left to right: Mr. Juan Enrique Notaro Fraga, Executive President FONPLATA; Dr. Abdulhamid Alkhalifa, OPEC Fund Director-General.


The OPEC Fund, UNCDF & SEforALL announce the launch of a Climate Finance and Energy Innovation Hub at the OPEC Fund Dev Forum. Pictured from left to right: Shaimaa Al-Sheiby, OPEC Fund Senior Director, Strategic Planning & Economic Services; Damilola Ogunbiyi, CEO of SEforALL; Preeti Sinha, Executive Secretary UNCDF; Lerato Mbele, Journalist.


International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the OPEC Fund signed a Memorandum of Understanding. Pictured from left to right: Francesco La Camera, IRENA Director-General; Dr. Abdulhamid Alkhalifa, OPEC Fund Director-General.


OPEC Fund Development Forum, Hofburg, Vienna.


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