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蜗牛游戏宣布将在Gamescom 2023游戏展上展示Bellwright

加州卡尔弗城2023年8月8日 /新闻稿网 - — 蜗牛游戏公司(纳斯达克代码:SNAL)("蜗牛游戏"或"公司"),一家全球领先的独立互动数字娱乐开发商和出版商,今日宣布其旗下的游戏工作室Donkey Crew 将作为波兰代表团成员参加著名的电子游戏贸易展览会 Gamescom 2023。该展会定于 8 月 23 日至 8 月 27 日在德国北莱茵-威斯特法伦州科隆市举行。

Gamescom游戏展在去年吸引了来自 100 多个国家的 265,000 名参观者和来自 53 个国家的 1,100 家参展商,而Donkey Crew 的参展强调了蜗牛游戏致力于在全球游戏领域扩展影响力的战略举措。在Gamescom 2023上,Donkey Crew 将展示即将推出的项目 Bellwright 的半小时开发者试玩演示和进阶游戏玩法,让参观者更深入了解其独特的游戏机制和创新特性。此外,Donkey Crew 在活动期间的为记者预留了半小时的采访和提问时间,并将提供游戏开发过程的详细见解。Donkey Crew 展位位于Poland’s Pavilion – hall 4.1 A-11,来访的参观者将获悉 Bellwright 更进一步的进展情况。


蜗牛游戏首席执行官Jim Tsai评论道,"蜗牛游戏对Donkey Crew作为波兰代表团参加Gamescom 2023感到荣幸。这个著名的游戏盛会为我们提供了一个宝贵的平台,让我们的游戏可以得到更多的关注,并加深我们与全球玩家游戏社区的联系。Bellwright 试玩版在 6 月的 Steam Next Fest 上首次亮相时,获得了积极的反馈和巨大的流量,这增强了我们的信心,并且我们预期我们在  Gamescom  2023上的展示将进一步突显我们吸引全球游戏观众的能力。我们期待在 2023 年 Gamescom 上揭开更多关于 Bellwright 的信息,并分享我们对未来游戏产品的愿景,因为我们将继续努力为全球的玩家精致游戏体验。"




This press release contains statements that constitute forward-looking statements. Many of the forward-looking statements contained in this press release can be identified by the use of forward-looking words such as "anticipate," "believe," "could," "expect," "should," "plan," "intend," "may," "predict," "continue," "estimate" and "potential," or the negative of these terms or other similar expressions. Forward-looking statements appear in a number of places in this press release and include, but are not limited to, statements regarding Snail’s intent, belief or current expectations. These forward-looking statements include information about possible or assumed future results of Snail’s business, financial condition, results of operations, liquidity, plans and objectives. The statements Snail makes regarding the following matters are forward-looking by their nature: growth prospects and strategies; launching new games and additional functionality to games that are commercially successful, including the launch of ARK: Survival Ascended, ARK: The Animated Series and ARK 2; expectations regarding significant drivers of future growth; its ability to retain and increase its player base and develop new video games and enhance existing games; competition from companies in a number of industries, including other game developers and publishers and both large and small, public and private Internet companies; its relationships with third-party platforms such as Xbox Live and Game Pass, PlayStation Network, Steam, Epic Games Store, the Apple App Store, the Google Play Store, My Nintendo Store and the Amazon Appstore; expectations for future growth and performance, and assumptions underlying any of the foregoing.




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