
China Expats Strengthens Social Network Connections With New Classifieds Section

Shanghai, China, January 4, 2014 / -, the go-to social network for expatriates, foreigners, and professionals in China, has expanded its free offerings to users now with unlimited free online classified ads.

The new Classified Ads section is available to all registered users when the login. Users can upload images of any goods they want to sell, can provide contact information, and can set the duration of the classified ads.

Anyone can join for free and then freely post job wanted ads; find apartments in cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Chongqing, Dalian, and Shenzhen; connect with language exchange partners; locate new career opportunities; join interest groups; communicate with travel companions; and grow business links.

With limited access to overseas social media sites like Facebook, Vimeo, Youtube, and Twitter, foreigners living, working, and traveling to China use as their social networking destination and home for building career opportunities, enhancing their personal online brands, and growing their network of like-minded professionals in China. Launched in 2013, already boasts a social networking community of more than 42,000 foreigners and Chinese living and working in China. Joining is free at

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