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Zytronic leads in achieving transition to ISO9001:2015 and ISO14001:2015 compliance

Hong Kong, China, May 17, 2017 / - Zytronic, a leader in durable, high performance Projected Capacitive Technology (PCT#8482; and MPCT#8482;) digital display touch sensors announced that it has completed the transition and accreditation of its company quality and environmental management systems to the latest ISO9001:2015 and ISO14001:2015 standards.

Commenting, Mark Cambridge, CEO of Zytronic, said, “Zytronic is committed to ensuring that its business meets the highest standards of quality and environmental management. We therefore made it a priority to achieve the transition to the revised ISO9001 and ISO14001 standards, which we have achieved quickly in just over a year, more than 18 months ahead of the deadline for compliance.”

Cambridge continued, “The new standards are very much in alignment with Zytronic culture, because they ensure that the company’s management systems are fully integrated with its business strategies. In order to achieve the transition, we were able to demonstrate the key changes of Zytronic’s leadership commitment to the standards and that our processes reflect the aspects, impacts and risks we see as a business as well as the context in which we operate. Achieving the transition to the new standards proves to our customers, employees and other stakeholders that our management and environmental systems continue to be fit for purpose and are fully conformant to the latest best practice.”

ISO9001:2015 and ISO14001:2015 standards were published in their final form in September 2015, and are the first major revision of the standards since 2000. Key changes include greater emphasis on building a management and environmental system suited to each organization’s particular needs. This includes a requirement that those at the top of an organization are involved and accountable. It also introduces risk-based thinking to make the systems a preventive tool and a platform for continuous improvement. The deadline for achieving compliance is September 2018, after which an organisation not accredited to the new standard is no longer compliant.

Carla Whyte, Senior Client Propositions Manager at BSI commented: “Zytronic should be proud that they have achieved certification to both ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 well ahead of the 2018 deadline, demonstrating they are carrying out best practice in quality management and environmental management. Certification to these standards will bring a number of benefits to the organization, including stakeholder confidence, improved business processes and increased customer satisfaction.”

About Zytronic

Zytronic Displays Ltd internationally award-winning touch sensors are used globally in ATMs, digital signage, self-service kiosks and gaming machines as well as by industrial and medical OEMs. The company’s success rests on its patented and highly durable touch sensing technologies, which can be provided in custom designs of 85” and beyond.

In addition to its manufacturing and RD centre in Newcastle, England, Zytronic has sales offices in Taipei, Tokyo, Austin, Texas and Atlanta, Georgia and a worldwide network of representatives and distributors. For further information please visit

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