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Smart City Ideas at “Art in MTR” Exhibition

Hong Kong, China, July 5, 2018 / - Public space with greening and art not only offers members of the community some much-needed breathing space, but also provides a sense of tranquillity amidst the hustle and bustle in Hong Kong. These were among some of the creative concepts to make better use of public space that were explored by a group of students from secondary schools and tertiary institutions who participated in the “Social Innovation Inventor – Smart City Design Competition”. Their suggestions included adding elderly- and environmentally friendly features to enhance walkability as well as using art and history to make the pedestrian experience more enjoyable. Winning designs from the competition, organised and sponsored by the World Green Organisation and MTR Corporation respectively, are on display in an “Art in MTR” exhibition at MTR Sheung Wan and Sai Wan Ho stations starting from today (5 July 2018) until 2 October 2018.

“Apart from the issue of land scarcity, Hong Kong also faces challenges from having an aging population. This competition has guided students to use their creativity to help tackle these social issues while raising their awareness about environmental protection and encouraging them to adopt a healthy and low-carbon lifestyle,” said Dr William Yu, Chief Executive Officer of World Green Organisation.

“As a company committed to contributing to environmental protection by providing low carbon transport and creating a more vibrant and vivid travelling experience for everyone to enjoy, MTR Corporation is happy to share the students’ interesting and thoughtful urban design concepts with the wider community,” said Ms Linda So, Corporate Affairs Director of MTR Corporation.

MTR Corporation offers space at different MTR stations for art exhibitions under the “Art in MTR” programme to promote artistic talent and the public’s appreciation for art. Interested artists and organisations may call the MTR Hotline at 2881 8888 for enquiry or submit their proposals to the MTR Corporation.

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