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SolarWinds Bolsters its Head Geek Team with Industry Expert

Hong Kong, China, September 13, 2018 / - Sascha Giese joins the ranks to help the technology professional community solve today’s IT challenges

HONG KONG, China – September 13, 2018 – Today, SolarWinds—a leading provider of powerful and affordable IT management software—introduced Sascha Giese as the newest member of the company’s Head Geek#8482; team. Giese is currently based in the SolarWinds’ Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) headquarters in Cork, Ireland.

Giese brings a plethora of industry experience to the team, including:

– Technical certifications, including being a Cisco#174; Certified Network Associate (CCNA#174;), Cisco Certified Design Associate (CCDA), Microsoft#174; Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA), VMware#174; Technical Sales Professional (VTSP), AWS#174; Certified Cloud Practitioner, and a SolarWinds Certified Professional#174; (SCP).
– More than 10 years of technical IT experience, four of which have been as a senior pre-sales engineer at SolarWinds.
– A close working relationship with business account management and partner enablement teams. Giese has been responsible for product training SolarWinds channel partners and customers in EMEA, with a focus on the DACH (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland) region.
– Regular participation in the annual SolarWinds Partner Summit EMEA, and contribution to the company’s professional certification program, SCP.

“At SolarWinds, we put a razor-sharp focus on helping technology professionals navigate the challenges and issues they face in today’s world—and the Head Geeks team plays a crucial role in making this happen,” said Darren Beck, chief marketing officer, SolarWinds. “Sascha has worked with our customers and partners for over four years, so he’s well-positioned to help the wider technology professional community solve today’s IT challenges. We’re thrilled to welcome Sascha as our newest Head Geek!”

What is a Head Geek?

SolarWinds Head Geeks#8482; bring over 120 collective years of real-world expertise and renowned industry credentials to provide the tech pro community with perspectives, advice, and discussion on the latest trends and challenges in technology.

The Head Geeks are experts in all areas of IT, including cloud, DevOps, enterprise, hybrid IT, security, networking, database, virtualization, and more.

Our Head Geeks engage with technology pros on THWACK#174;, the SolarWinds community forum; on the Orange Matter#8482; and Geek Speak#8482; blogs; in-person at events, including conferences, trade shows, and SolarWinds User Groups#8482;; and in monthly SolarWinds Lab#8482; sessions, where they provide advanced technical training. They also participate regularly on various IT forums, including myITforum#174;,, Stack Overflow#8482;, and Spiceworks#174;.

Meet the Other Head Geeks

Leon Adato

Adato is a CCNA, Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE), and SolarWinds Certified Professional. His 25 years of network and systems management and monitoring experience spans the financial, healthcare, food and beverage, and other industries.

Destiny Bertucci

Bertucci holds a broad array of certifications and degrees, such as CCNA, (ISC)#178; Methodologies, CompTIA#174; IT Operations Specialist (CIOS), CompTIA Secure Infrastructure Specialist (CSIS), INFOSEC, database development degree, BS IT Security, and SolarWinds Certified Professional. In her 16 years as a network manager, she has worked in healthcare, federal, and application engineering, which allowed her to be a successful SolarWinds senior application engineer for over nine years.

Patrick Hubbard

Hubbard boasts over 20 years of hands-on experience, spanning software development, operations, applications, networks, virtualization, cloud, and more. Today, he’s helping enterprise and cloud-native teams move past DevOps hype and rationally integrate real development and operations techniques to keep businesses going forward.

Thomas LaRock

LaRock has over 20 years of IT experience, holding roles such as programmer, developer, analyst, and database administrator. He is a Microsoft Certified Master, VMware#174; vExpert#8482;, Microsoft Certified Trainer, and 10-time Microsoft Data Platform MVP.

Connect with the Head Geeks on THWACK

Adato: Adatole
Bertucci: Dez
Giese: saschag
Hubbard: Patrick: Hubbard
LaRock: SQLRockstar
Connect with SolarWinds


About SolarWinds
SolarWinds is a leading provider of powerful and affordable IT infrastructure management software. Our products give organizations worldwide, regardless of type, size or IT infrastructure complexity, the power to monitor and manage the performance of their IT environments, whether on-premise, in the cloud, or in hybrid models. We continuously engage with all types of technology professionals—IT operations professionals, DevOps professionals, and managed service providers (MSPs)—to understand the challenges they face maintaining high-performing and highly available IT infrastructures. The insights we gain from engaging with them, in places like our THWACK online community, allow us to build products that solve well-understood IT management challenges in ways that technology professionals want them solved. This focus on the user and commitment to excellence in end-to-end hybrid IT performance management has established SolarWinds as a worldwide leader in network management software and MSP solutions. Learn more today at

The SolarWinds, SolarWinds Design, SolarWinds Certified Professional, Orion, THWACK, Orange Matter, Geek Speak, Head Geek and Head Geeks trademarks are the exclusive property of SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC or its affiliates, are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and may be registered or pending registration in other countries. All other SolarWinds trademarks, service marks, and logos may be common law marks or are registered or pending registration. All other trademarks mentioned herein are used for identification purposes only and are trademarks of (and may be registered trademarks of) their respective companies.
#169; 2018 SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC. All rights reserved.

Winnie Ngai
Phone: +852 2534 8700

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Phone: +353 21.5002954

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